Monday, February 20, 2012

Welcome to Green Sneakers Garden : My First Post

These old sneakers went into my garden more than 10 years ago (no exaggerating).  About a month after buying them I realized, cute as they were, they were the most uncomfortable things I'd ever put on my feet.  So into the garden they went, occasionally covered by ambitious spreading plants and, from time to time, uncovered again.

These sneakers helped me to find a name for my garden blog.  Friends have commented "but they're not green" or asked "are you always going to wear green sneakers?"  To me these sneakers are green and symbolize what my garden, hopefully, is becoming.  Anything I can reuse in the garden will not end up in the landfill...Go Green!..and besides, it's fun.

Please visit my profile for more about my gardening goals here at Green Sneakers Garden.  But before you do, leave a comment and enjoy one more picture, which is a preview of my topic for next week's  post: Texture in My Garden.